About Me

A photo of me

Hello! My name is Justin Longwell and I'm a (soon-to-be) software developer from Cleveland, Ohio. I began educating myself in web development at a young age and have enjoyed learning about new technologies throughout my life. More recently, I've enrolled in a 14-week full stack web development bootcamp focused around C# at We Can Code IT to further my coding knowledge. Once I've graduated from the program as a certified web developer, I hope to transition to working full-time in the field.

I don't have much more to say at this time, so here's some gibberish to fill out this page.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut aliquam urna. Integer non accumsan diam, nec hendrerit libero. Ut ut arcu dignissim, egestas risus vitae, molestie felis. Cras felis leo, eleifend sed eros vel, ultrices finibus leo. Sed iaculis sodales lectus, sed tempor quam dictum eu. Aenean purus sem, cursus sed massa et, blandit luctus ligula. Nullam tempus odio sed mi sodales, non luctus mauris dictum.

My Skills Stack

C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP

Projects I've Worked On

These are some the projects I've worked on recently to showcase my abilities during the bootcamp I'm taking part in.

Roller Coaster Stats Keeper

This is a simple console application coded to meet the requirements of the assignment "Class of Your Choice". It actually makes use of three custom classes of "my choice": RollerCoaster, Park, and Trip. The application allows a user to track the roller coasters that they ride during a trip to an amusement park. It then allows a user to view the statistics about their trip.

GitHub repository

Screenshot of the Trip Menu within the application Screenshot of a list of roller coasters at a specific park Screenshot of the statistics for a user's trip

Skills Involved

  • Creation of custom classes
  • Use of list<> enumerations
  • Formatting of DateTime values

Virtual Pets

This is a console application that functions as a "virutal pet" game similar to the handheld games of the mid- to late-90s This was a group assignment which went through several iterations, first making use of a single class (Pet) and then integrating additional classes to expand the game from a single pet to a shelter of multiple pets and adding additional child classes of the Pet class (Organic and Robotic).

GitHub repository

Screenshot of the welcome screen with the roster of pets Screenshot of the Main Menu within the application Screenshot the Interaction Menu for a specific pet

Skills Involved

  • Use of inheritence within classes
  • Use of while, for, and foreach loops
  • Use of switch cases

Party Planner

This is a simple console application that I worked on with another student that prompts a user for information about a party and then prints an invitation to the screen.

GitHub repository

Screenshot of a new party prompt within the application Screenshot of the options for a new party Screenshot of a printed invitation for a party

Skills Involved

  • Understanding of states and behaviors within a class
  • Use of if/else statements

More Projects

More examples of my work can be found at my GitHub page.


If you'd like to contact me, you can email me at justin.longwell@gmail.com.